Every year, WECO Elevator Products donates part of its profits to charitable or non-profit causes through NGOs.
WECO are a team in which companionship prevails. That is why our own employees are responsible for finding projects and entitites to donate to, in order to the essential work of these organisations.
We are a company that is very involved in the well-being and improvement of society and our planet. We feel that with these actions we are doing our bit.
We would like to introduce you to some of the organisations around the world that we have admired and supported:

Source: Una Gota por mi País
The foundation Una Gota por mi País is a non-profit organisation founded in 2016 in Colombia. Medical and health staff, all of them volunteers, join forces with a common goal, to help the population of the most disadvantaged and vulnerable communities, who are in emergency situations.
With the money raised, they carry out health days all over the country. Donations also go towards the purchase of medication, medical supplies, food and toys.
To find out more about their story or to make a donation you can get in touch via the following email: unagotapormipais@gmail.com, or through their social networks: Facebook / Instagram / Twitter.
Source: Institución San José
Institución San José is a non-profit organisation located in Cali (Colombia) with more than fifty years of history. It was founded in 1959 by Maruja Plata de Sardi.
The aim of the NGO is to provide children, adolescents and young people with education, comprehensive training and professional development for their future. To this end, the institution promotes the educational, physical, therapeutic, social, psychological, emotional, medical and nutritional well-being of the people at the centre. In addition, it collaborates on the maintenance, reception and shelter of minors who are in areas with few resources or in vulnerable, abandoned or dangerous situations.
To find out more about their history or to make a donation you can visit the following link: www.institucionsanjose.org, or contact them by email: info@institucionsanjose.org.
Source: Territorio de Zaguates
A Costa Rican NGO that is bursting with the most sincere and true love for dogs. The organisation, founded in 2006 by Lya Battle and Álvaro Saumet, takes in abandoned and disadvantaged dogs from the streets of Costa Rica.
The goal of the non-profit is to serve as a temporary shelter for thousands of dogs who are looking for a new chance and a new home, but also to care permanently for many others who may never find their own family. Territorio de Zaguates currently protects, feeds and improves the health of more than 1,800 dogs.
To make a donation or learn more about their story you can check out their websites: www.territoriodezaguates.com, or donate.territoriodezaguates.com.
Stop Violencia Sexual is an NGO founded in 1992 in Spain. It is the main body of the Federación de Asociaciones de Asistencia a Víctimas de Violencia Sexual y de Género.
The main objective of Stop Violencia Sexual is to carry out awareness-raising and advocacy activities for the prevention and eradication of sexual and gender-based violence. In addition to supporting and assisting victims of sexual aggression and abuse, Stop Violencia Sexual also promote education for gender equality.
The non-profit organisation offers different services:
– Information, counselling and free medical, legal, psychological and social assistance for victims of sexual assault and/or abuse.
– Training courses in prevention and education in equality for professionals, groups at risk and the general population related to the problem of sexual and gender violence.
– Studies and research on the reality of gender violence.
– Organising congresses, seminars, talks, and activities on sexual violence and ill-treatment.
– Awareness-raising campaigns and media publications on gender violence and the organisation’s work.
To learn more about its background or to make a donation, you can consult the following links: stopviolenciasexual.org, or stopviolenciasexual.org/colabora.